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This is the final destination of all your searches regarding health and beauty
In this blog u can find posts containing different health and beauty tips to maintain your body and to look and feel better
There will be videos from various experts regarding the common problems faced in day-today life and simple and effective solutions for it.
So its time to put an end to all your worries regarding health and beauty and come on lets Find The New You
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Can't Get to the Gym? Drink This!
A surprising new study has found that resveratrol -- the heart-protecting ingredient found in red wine -- may also help fight the muscle loss associated with too much sitting around.
Use It or Lose It? Maybe Not
Looking for ways to prevent some of the toll spaceflight takes on astronauts -- muscle wasting, bone thinning, insulin resistance -- scientists subjected two groups to weightless conditions for 15 days, and gave one group resveratrol supplements. The supplements group emerged with their muscles, bones, and insulin systems humming along. The group that did without resveratrol wasn't so lucky.
The effects of space flight and a sedentary lifestyle are similar, say scientists, and while resveratrol is no substitute for skipping exercise altogether, it could be a way to slow muscle deterioration if you're sidelined by an injury or chained to your desk during a nonstop work week.
Wine: It Does a Body Good
Resveratrol is an antioxidant that's abundant in the skin of red grapes, which is why red wine has such a stash. While its ability to maintain muscle mass needs to be confirmed, resveratrol is one of those plant nutrients that's been piling up health benefits left and right. Among the latest: Recent research has found that resveratrol helps reduce body fat, contains powerful anti-cancer agents, and might help you live longer. We'll drink to that!
If red wine isn't your thing, you can still reap the rewards by munching on peanuts or a handful of blueberries -- both contain the natural chemical -- or red grapes, of course! Or those supplements.
30 Minutes to a Bigger, Better Brain
Here's a relaxing, 30-minute practice that may boost brain power while lifting your mood and your memory. We're talking about mindfulness meditation.
The stress-reducing benefits of meditation are well documented, but how this ancient Zen practice works to improve well-being is little known. That said, a new study has revealed that meditation may enhance key structures in the brain responsible for learning, memory, and emotion control.
Mind Your Gray Matter
In the small study, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were taken before and after an 8-week program that combined about 30 minutes a day of full-body progressive relaxation, yoga, and seated meditation. Compared to a control group, the mindfulness meditation participants experienced an increase in gray matter concentration in the hippocampus, the cerebellum, and other key brain regions responsible for cognitive function and emotion control. The researchers suggest meditation may be an effective tool to reverse certain downsized brain regions commonly seen in people suffering from depression and anxiety. (Related: Learn more about how to cope with anxiety and depression.)
Do Your Homework
Mindfulness meditation is a practice rooted in the ancient Buddhist tradition of quieting the mind and body in order to focus awareness on the present moment rather than dwelling on negative past experiences, today's problems, or worries about the future. The meditators were also asked to integrate mindfulness techniques into everyday tasks, such as shopping, exercising, cleaning house, and eating. Talk about a convenient, do-it-yourself way to boost brain power and buoy your mood. (Related: Practice mindful eating to eat less and lose weight.)
Getting started takes just 10 minutes. Use these 5 how-to steps to launch your practice and discover the benefits of meditation for yourself.
RealAge Benefit
Taking care of your emotional health and well-being can make your RealAge up to 16 years younger. Take the RealAge Test!
Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density. Holzel, B. K. et al., Psychiatry Research 2011 Jan 30;191(1):36–43.Actively patrolling your health can make your RealAge as much as 12 years younger. Take the RealAge Test Copyright 2010 RealAge
.shmod-social_r a.twitterSunday, November 20, 2011
The 3 Things to Monitor For Maximum Health
Health screenings are absolutely critical — why wouldn’t they be? After all, if you had a chance to see ahead of time that you were headed towards harming yourself, you would naturally want to take steps to avoid that type of pain in your life. It’s just common sense.
Unfortunately, the world of health care can be a tricky world to navigate through, as there’s a lot of things that you will need to figure out. One thing that you can do to boost your health is to start thinking about the type of screenings that you can do on your own in order to make sure that your health is headed in the right direction.
The first thing that you really want to be aware of is what you’re eating. A lot of people think that they know exactly what they’re taking in everyday, but after you keep a detailed food diary for a week you might be surprised! The other benefit of having the food dairy is that you can actually have your doctor look over it with you in order to make changes.
However, that’s not the only thing that you need to focus on. Your blood pressure matters as well. In order to really make sure that you will be able to get things under control, you need to have a blood pressure cuff. The digital versions aren’t expensive, and it’s a good way to make sure that you aren’t super stressing your body. The harder your heart has to work, the higher risks you’re taking of having problems as time passes.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Want Stronger Bones? Develop a Passion for Purple
Prunes, or dried plums, are full of healthy surprises. Once mainly known as a laxative in a box, the wrinkly fruit recently rose to diet stardom thanks to evidence that it boosts fat loss and heart health.
Now it turns out that, in the world of fruits and vegetables, prunes are all-stars at building bone density.
This became evident when a team of state university researchers from Florida and Oklahoma gave one group of postmenopausal women 10 dried plums every day for a year, while a second group ate 3.5 ounces of dried apples. All the women in both groups took daily doses of calcium (500 mg) and vitamin D (400 IU).
The prune eaters wound up with significantly denser bones in their forearms and spines than the apple eaters. Why? The prunes slowed the rate of bone breakdown, which starts outpacing the rate of new bone growth as you age. A related lab study on animals found that eating dried plums could restore bone mass after the loss had already occurred. Yes, as in menopause. Way to go, prunes!
Just how impressive are prunes? "I have tested numerous fruits, including figs, dates, strawberries, and raisins," one of the researchers noted. "None have come anywhere close to producing the effect on bones that prunes do."
Read what Drs. Oz and Roizen have to say about prunes' surprising health payoffs.
Osteoporosis 101: Get the lowdown on keeping up with your bones.
Bone up on bone health: Get tips for stronger bones with this health assessment tool.
RealAge Benefit
Getting the right amount of antioxidants through diet or supplements can make your RealAge 6 years younger. Take the RealAge Test!
Comparative effects of dried plum and dried apple on bone in postmenopausal women. Hooshmand S. et al., British Journal of Nutrition 2011 Sep; 106(6):923–930.
Short-term effects of a snack including dried prunes on energy intake and satiety in normal-weight individuals. Farajian P. et al., Eating Behaviors 2010 Aug; 11(3):201–203.
Dried plum reverses bone loss in an osteopenic rat model of osteoporosis. Deyhim F. et al., Menopause 2005 Nov-Dec; 12(6):755–762.
Dried plums improve indices of bone formation in postmenopausal women. Arjmandi, B.H. et al., Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine 2002 Jan-Feb; 11(1): 61–68.
Actively patrolling your health can make your RealAge as much as 12 years younger. Take the RealAge Test Copyright 2010 RealAge
.shmod-social_r a.twitterFriday, November 11, 2011
More Reasons to Indulge in Chocolate
Not that you need another reason to indulge in chocolate (you probably already know it's good for your blood pressure), but isn't it delightful, delicious, and delectable that there is one? Eating chocolate shaves your risk of "cardiometabolic disorders," a cluster of conditions that nobody wants, including heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. (Taking this vitamin also helps protect you from this nasty threesome.)
Here's the big surprise: We're talking all kinds of chocolate, not just the dark types. Even milk chocolate and cups of hot cocoa have benefits.
We're also not talking slight improvements. Research reveals that consuming a healthy amount of chocolate reduces your risk of heart disease by 37% and stroke by 29% versus eating little or none. (Not coincidentally, it also lowers your bad LDL cholesterol.) In addition, it shrinks your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 31%. These impressive numbers emerged from an analysis of seven studies involving more than 100,000 people.
What's in chocolate that makes it so good for you? Loads of potent plant antioxidants called polyphenols, including flavonoids. Yep, the same good-for-you substances found in blueberries, wine, green tea, and olive oil, as well as many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Among polyphenols' many powers is the ability to sooth inflammation in your body. Internal hot zones are linked to all kinds of trouble, from memory damage to joint pain and accelerated aging. (Learn more about chocolate as a healthful treat.)
A Little "Dose" Will Do Ya
Like wine, the trick with chocolate is to indulge daily without overindulging. A little goes a long way, because most chocolate contains about 150 calories per ounce, including lots of sugar and fat. Overdo and you could actually increase the health risks you're trying to prevent. In most of these studies, people had an ounce or two a day. Even smarter: Get your fix in a cozy cup of hot chocolate made with real polyphenol-rich cocoa powder, no-fat milk, and sugar-free sweetener. Bingo! All the benefits, none of the bad stuff.
Eat chocolate, die happy, and live longer. Sweet.
Another surprise: Chocolate may also be good for your brain and even your teeth!
A creamy complexion: That cup of hot cocoa can also do nice things for your skin.
2. Determine what you want to achieve.
3. Set small, realistic goals -- breaking a big task into several smaller tasks makes it more manageable.
4. Seek a support system or friend to help you through the rough spots.
5. Jump in and start working towards those goals!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Love TV? Do This During Commercials
Are you a TV addict? Try this: When your favorite show breaks for commercial, get off the couch and step in place.
Too much time watching The Real Housewives or ESPN contributes to weight gain and obesity because it often replaces pursuits that burn more calories. Experts at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, hypothesized that having people get up and step in place during all the commercials would help address that.
The researchers measured the calories that 23 adults burned while resting, sitting, standing, stepping in place, and walking on a treadmill at 3 miles per hour. Then the participants watched TV for an hour while lounging and for another hour while stepping during commercials.
Participants burned no more calories while sitting and watching TV than they did just resting. But when they stepped in place during commercials, they racked up an average of 25 minutes of physical activity and 2,111 steps to burn 40 calories per hour -- all without breaking a sweat or losing track of who was voted off Dancing with the Stars. (Related: Try these other anywhere, anytime exercises.)
Need more tips for curbing the TV habit?
Don't eat while watching TV. (Here’s how paying attention when you eat can help whittle your waist.)Plan your viewing ahead of time so you watch what you really enjoy and skip the rest.Make your muscles work even while you sit. Swap the couch for an exercise ball.Just be sure those steps during the commercials don’t lead you to the kitchen for a snack!
RealAge Benefit
Exercising regularly, expending at least 3,500 calories of energy a week, can make your RealAge 3.4 years younger. Take the RealAge Test!
Energy cost of stepping in place while watching TV commercials. Steeves, Jeremy A., et al., Medicine & Science in Sports & ExerciseLive Longer with This Diet
Want to live a long, vigorous life? Add to your other healthful habits the Mediterranean diet.
You’ve probably heard about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. New research reveals that combining this way of eating with three other healthful lifestyle behaviors may boost longevity, especially in women.
Food for Thought
Dutch researchers followed more than 120,000 men and women for a decade to track their habits and mortality rates. People who ate a Mediterranean diet, didn’t smoke, maintained a healthy weight, and exercised regularly lived the longest. And for women, following the Mediterranean diet was significantly related to lower mortality.
Going Greek
Sometimes called “the world's healthiest cuisine,” the Mediterranean diet emphasizes lots of plant proteins, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, along with nuts and moderate alcohol consumption. (Yes, you can have a glass of wine with dinner.) It’s also low in refined grains, red meat, and sweets.
Mediterranean Magic
Here are three more good reasons to adopt this diet plan:
It promotes healthy arteries to protect your heart.It may help regulate blood sugar levels to slash your diabetes risk.It battles belly fat.
Best of all, Mediterranean food is delicious and easy to prepare. Try it for yourself with this Roasted Cod with Warm Tomato-Olive-Caper Tapenade recipe.
RealAge Benefit
Eating nonfried fish three times a week can make your RealAge up to 3 years younger.
Actively patrolling your health can make your RealAge as much as 12 years younger.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
What Foods Cause Acne?
Diet and acne... many people say that foods don't affect acne, some people say it does. Well, they are both right in my opinion. All depends how your body, your skin reacts to certain foods and what skin type you have - if you don't have acne problem, foods may not cause you problems, but for those with acne problem, certain foods can make it worst.
In my opinion, if you are reading this article I assume that you have acne problem, bigger or smaller, anyway it affects your life some way and you are looking for solution. My advice is - you should care what you eat, you should avoid certain foods, and you should have your eyes open and observe if your acne problem is getting worse after eating certain foods - because each of us may react different and what we can do is to observe our own bodies, simply to know our bodies like we know our favourite movie. Sounds strange? Believe me, so many of us don't know own body, especially how certain foods affect it.
In my opinion, foods are so important in our life and if we can, we always should care what we eat to make our internal systems stronger, it's hard to see how internal organs look like, but if they work properly we will be healthy.
I want to give you an example about something you can see: if you want to build strong body, big muscles and be simply strong man (or woman)! You have to exercise, practice, give your body muscles proper stimulation, it will make your body stronger - adding special foods into that, your body will be stronger even faster, because of proper nutrition. In acne battle is the same, just food is even more important.
It's good to use other treatments, like: proper cleansing, antibiotics and effective lotions - but without proper dietiary plan, they will not be as sufficient as they could be - even if you will get rid of acne using antibiotics, it may come back after a while if your diet is bad and you have to answer if you want to go for acne antibiotics again?
I guess you know that antibiotics always have some side effects. Read about the causes of acne and some crucial rules to follow to get rid of acne (one of them is to avoid certain foods - there are four more ruleslisted there).
It's great to start with restricted diet and after a while, when your acne problem is getting smaller, you can try with foods that you removed from your menu, maybe it will not affect you - you will observe. There always should be balance, between what to eat and what not to eat, sometimes we just like so much foods we should avoid and we have to let go our restrictions, we shouldn't be to hard on ourselves with our diets but it's great to know what food causes what problems in our body and be able to accept cause and effect.. and most important, always smile on the way!
So let's go to the most important part, to the list of foods that may cause the acne problem:
List of foods you should remove from your acne diet:Nuts - and products that are made with nuts: such as peanut butterChocolates - in any formsCola and other dark drinks - it's ok to drink light colored sodasSpicy foods - especially if you use sauces you buy in stores, homemade chilli sauce with fresh peppers are not that bad.Salty foods - like french fries, chips and other. If you want to eat salt, please use it while cookingPizza - oops!Dairy productsLess sugar - it may cause problems, so consume less sweet products - I know it's hardLess fried foods - again something with "less". So enjoy fried foods, but not all the timeWell, I hope you are not depressed now! In the list you can see "less sugar" and "less fried foods" - I would recommend to remove sugar and fried foods for some days to see how your body reacts and then include a bit if wanted.
Feel that there is nothing left to eat? Well it's simply not true. I will give you in case the list of foods you can eat and it's the same long!
Stay with that list of foods to help acne problem:MeatChickenFishVegetables and fruitsCereals and grainsCoffee and teaBreadYou may also try herbs for acne - but before using herbs it's recommended to consult first with doctor if you should use certain herbs and for how long. Read about good vitamins for acne.
It will all depends on how advance acne you have to get rid of your acne problem. As it was mentioned before, after getting rid of it, add foods from your "not to eat" list, one by one and give yourself few days how your body reacts. Now, you have to decide which list of foods you will choose. I believe both: you will avoid eating foods from the first list and enjoy foods on the second list.
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Monday, November 7, 2011
Tips to make your lips naturally pink.
- Use branded lipsticks and remove the lipstick before going to sleep.
- Take some turmeric powder and add in the milk cream. Do 5 minute massage of this mixture on your lips for proper care.
- Make it your routine to rinse your lips with cold rose water to get softer and fresher lips.
- Apply lip balm or Vaseline on your lips on regular basis for soft lips.
- Very easy remedy to take care of your lips is to apply some milk cream on your lips before sleeping. Leave this cream on your lips for whole night and get up with softer and shinning lips.
- Massage your lips with glycerin.
- Take lemon ridges and scrub your lips. It will remove all darkness of your lips and your lip’s skin will become fresh.
- Massage your lips with beet slice for natural pink lips.
Natural Remedies for Hair Loss
There are different causes for hair falling. Most of the women experiences lots of hair loss after delivery, and many men go bald in their middle age. Hair loss or baldness can result from heredity, underlying medical condition, or even certain medications.
Because of hormonal changes, damage or irritation some hair follicles tends to have a shorter growth phase and they produce thinner, shorter hair shafts. The hair goes through a cycle of growth and rest. The course of each cycle would vary with different individuals. However, as a general rule the growth period or phase of a scalp hair, known as anagen, classically lasts 2-3 years.
During this period, the hair grows around1 centimetre a month. Then the resting phase starts. This resting phase is known as telogen. The telogen phase lasts for around 3-4 months. When the resting phase ends, the hair strand would fall out and new one would start to grow in its place, that is, anagen (growth period) begins for this new hair strand.
In normal case most people would shed 50 to 100 hairs, in a day. We have around 100,000 hairs on our scalp, so falling off, say 100 hairs a day wouldn’t cause us to go bald. But in extreme cases, due to different factors, shedding rate starts exceeding the rate of re-growth, then it can lead to thinning of hairs, or even baldness.
With ageing, it is natural for our hairs to thin out, gradually. But is there a way that we can make this process slow; or if hair loss is not due to ageing, but other factors, can it be stopped naturally?
Yes there are different home remedies which can prove to be very beneficial, in preventing or stopping untimely hair loss. Some of them are as mentioned below:
Gooseberry and Coconut Oil RemedyTake some pieces of gooseberry, and boil them in pure coconut oil. Sieve the oil, and store the oil in a glass container. Apply this oil everyday on your scalp, massaging nicely with fingers in circular motion. This is a very effective remedy against baldness or hair loss.
Coconut Oil and Lime JuiceDaily application of Coconut oil mixed with lime or lemon juice can prevent hair loss, and at the same time ease dandruff.
Black Gram and FenugreekCook the black gram and soak Fenugreek seeds for some hours. Now combine the two and make a paste of the mixture. Apply the paste from root to hair tips and after some time shampoo your hairs with a chemical free shampoo. This won’t only stop the hair loss, but also would lengthen the hairs.
Fenugreek SeedsSoak Fenugreek seeds for some hours. Make a paste of seeds, by adding some water. Oil you hair, preferably with warm coconut oil and then apply this paste to the roots of hair nicely. Leave it on for at least one hour, and then wash. Repeat this process for a minimum of one month. This is an extremely effective remedy against the hair loss.
LiquoriceTake a piece of Liquorice. Grind them into paste using milk, and also add a pinch of saffron. Applying this paste daily stimulates the hair growth.
Shana SeedsTake the powder of Shana Seeds and mix it with a few drops of essential oil. You can use Sesame oil or coconut oil. Regularly apply this paste to the scalp. This is another very effective remedy against the hair loss.
We spend so much money for buying chemicals that shows us the false hope of stopping our ageing process or do something wonderful to our body and hairs; but as a matter of fact, these all are toxic to our bodies. All the remedies are available in our kitchen, whether you need natural skin tightening remedies, or remedies against hair loss. They are not only cost effective, but natural and hence harmless.
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Homemade Beauty Recipes
Enjoy recipes for natural products you can prepare at home and see if and how they help you with the problems you are trying to find solution for. There are several benefits of homemade products: they are usualy cheaper, you know exactly the ingredients and it's a lot of fun too. Enjoy reading and if you know any of them, share your opinion, so it will be easier for other readers to decide if they are worth attention.
Natural Products You Can Prepare at HomeThey are not hard, what you need is... ingredients. Most of them you should easily find in store near you:
Home Remedy for Blackheads - enjoy simple home recipe for blackheads and learn what to do to get rid of blackheads at home.
Home Remedies for Stretch Marks - learn how to make creams to treat stretch marks, article contains 3 interesting recipes.
How to Lighten Your Skin Naturally - recipes for: natural skin lightening cream, homemade exfoliator, skin lightening mask and skin bleaching mask.
Homemade Acne Masks for Face: Natural Acne Treatments - enjoy recipes for acne masks - you can choose from 9 recipes, based on ingredients you should easily find in your kitchen. They are safe, natural and you won't need much time to prepare them.
Homemade Hair Recipes: Conditioners, Shampoos and More - enjoy recipes for: herbal shampoo (for dark hair, greasy hair, fair hair and dandruff), aloe conditioner, herbal lotions (for fair hair, dark hair and weak hair), poultice compress (for hair loss and growing hair) and hair conditioning oils.
Homemade Hair Treatments: Healthy Hair Masks - enjoy recipes for hair lotion (to make your hair strong and shiny, or for shiny and soft hair), milk lotion (if you are looking for remedy for dry and brittle hair) or recipes for hair masks and compresses (for strengthening fragile and dry hair).
Homemade Herbal Shampoo - another recipe for homemade shampoo, where you can also read how to wash your hair properly.
Natural Remedies for Hair Loss - here you can find some natural remedies for hair loss you can try at home. There are several recipes listed, to prepare them all you would need: gooseberry, coconut oil, lime juice, black gram, fenugreek seeds, liquorice, shana seeds. But you don't need them all, so enjoy reading about natural remedied for hair loss and then decide if any remedy looks interesting to you.
Homemade Recipes for Sensitive Skin - recipes for flax seeds, dry and sensitive skin, yolk, honey, milk and vegetable masks and cleanser for sensitive skin.
Masks for All Types of Skin - recipes listed under combination skin masks, but can be used for all types of skin.
Homemade Face Masks for Oily Skin - several recipes for oily skin masks, some of them can be used on combination skin as well (for oily parts of the face).
Natural Homemade Remedies for Dry Skin on Face - take note that some recipes there are the same as for sensitive skin. Recipes for masks listed here can be used also on atrophic skin, senile skin, wasted skin and dry parts of combination skin.
Do not forget about tips and secrets on our blog:Face Masks to Prepare at Home - read about types of facial masks, benefits they may bring you and find some simple, easy recipes for skin care masks to prepare at home.
Damaged Hair: Homemade Conditioners for Damaged Hair - recipes for homemade conditioners, if you have damaged or dry hair.
Celebrities Beauty Secrets - some recipes and methods celebrities use, so they look young and beautiful. Enjoy reading your favourite celebrity secrets.
Homemade Herbal Skin Care Masks - check how you can use well known herbs as your beauty ingredient. Recipes for: oily, tired, mature, dry, normal and sensitive skin.
... and check our categories where we have essential oil recipes and weight loss diets.
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Sunday, November 6, 2011
101 Beauty Tips and Tricks for Men
Think beauty is only important for women? Not in today’s world where more and more men are discovering the benefits of maintaining a healthy and attractive look. If you’re a man who is in need of some quality beauty tips, we have more than enough advice to offer throughout this guide of 101 beauty tips and tricks for men.

There is something mysteriously intriguing about a man with a five o’clock shadow, but for some men, it’s more like a five o’clock disaster. If your hair grows back in a weird way or is different colors, try to maintain your facial hair by keeping a clean-shaven face.Tip in Total #2
Don’t be afraid to use concealer to hide any imperfections on your face - it’s not like you’re using lipstick, eye shadow, or blush. Everyone gets pimples, and everyone wants to hide them.Tip in Total #3
Start using moisturizer every day to maintain healthy skin. Men and woman both get wrinkles, so there is no reason not to take care of aging skin.Tip in Total #4
Start using facial cleansers for your face instead of using the soap you use on the rest of your body. You’ll have healthier skin as well as fewer breakouts.Tip in Total #5
Having bags under your eyes is a sign of not getting enough rest, so get a full 8 hours of sleep to look fresh and bright in the morning.Tip in Total #6
If you still have those irritating bags under your eyes, dab a little Preparation H under them. It works like magic!Tip in Total #7
When you’re going to be exposed to the sun, wear sunglasses. Sunglasses prevent you from squinting, and potentially causing more wrinkles on your face.Tip in Total #8
If you’re bold, you can wear a subtle oil-free foundation or translucent powder to keep the oil off of your face.Tip in Total #9
When you are shaving your face, use a razor with a moisturizing strip so that you are less likely to have irritated skin when finished.Tip in Total #10
While you want to keep the hair on your head growing, it’s preferable to keep hair from growing out of your nose. Use a specialized trimmer to keep your nose hair at bay.Tip in Total #11
Your eyebrows are two separate patches of hair, and you should keep them apart by tweezing regularly. Just remember, unibrows are only attractive on dogs.Tip in Total #12
Trim your eyebrows if they are big and bushy. Sometimes all you need to do is use a small pair of scissors to trim them down a little.Tip in Total #13
While blackheads might be harder to notice than acne, they’re still noticeable close-up. So use nose strips to rid yourself of unsightly blackheads.Tip in Total #14
Since you’re already using the trimmer, you might as well trim your ear hair in the process.Tip in Total #15
The old saying, "Never stick anything bigger than your elbow in your ear," is completely wrong! Clean the wax out of your ears with a q-tip every few days.Tip in Total #16
Eye cream moisturizers are great for reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. When applying eye cream, make sure to use your ring finger because it’s the weakest, and too much pressure causes more wrinkles.Tip in Total #17
Get the blue eyes you’ve always wanted with colored contact lenses. Contacts have become some of the best accessories to this day, so don’t be ashamed to use them!Tip in Total #18
Eye liner is becoming very popular in the male community, and it’s not considered gay anymore! Just a little liner can make your eyes pop.Tip in Total #19
Using toner is a good way to rejuvenate your skin, and keep it oil-free. It comes in spray form, so all you need to do is spray a little on your clean face.Tip in Total #20
If clean-shaven isn’t your look, at least maintain your beard or goatee. Before trimming it, use conditioner to soften the hair, dry it off, then begin trimming.Tip in Total #21
After shaving, sometimes you’ll develop razor irritation - a.k.a. ingrown hair - that looks like acne. Obviously you want to prevent ingrown hairs, so be sure to shave with the hair instead of against it.Tip in Total #22
In addition to shaving with your hair, you should also avoid using dull blades and take it slow when shaving so to prevent irritation or bleeding.Tip in Total #23
Staying on the subject of sensitive skin, avoid products with lots of alcohol because they can cause even more irritation than not shaving correctly.Tip in Total #24
In your haste to rush through shaving, sometimes you might miss a spot or two and not even notice it. Always do a thorough check after shaving, and/or keep a razor in the car to pick up missed spots.Tip in Total #25
If you notice a few pimples starting to present themselves on your face, grab some toothpaste and dab a little on top of the new pimple to dry it out. Don’t forget to wash it off before you leave the house though!Tip in Total #26
One of the first things a person notices about you is your smile. And if they notice that your smile contains lots of cavities and food particles, you aren’t making a very good first impression! Brush, floss, and visit the dentist to keep your teeth healthy and debris-free.Tip in Total #27
If you’re having trouble remembering to put chap stick on during the day, you can apply a liberal amount right before you go to sleep; this will help with the flakes and cuts we tend to get during the winter. Plus your lips will be plump and healthy when you wake up!Tip in Total #28
While brushing and flossing your teeth regularly can go a long way to preventing tooth decay, sometimes it’s just not enough. Visit the dentist regularly as a backup in case you miss something while brushing.Tip in Total #29
Along with keeping your teeth pretty, you should also ensure that your breath stays fresh. Carrying mints and/or gum around is the best way to avoid dragon breath.Tip in Total #30
As everyone knows, brushing your teeth is a great habit to get into. But leaving toothpaste around the corners of your mouth is not! So when you get done brushing your teeth, make sure that there’s no crusty white residue around your mouth.Tip in Total #31
Chapped lips are not only annoying, but they don’t exactly scream, ‘kiss me!” either. So keep chap stick on hand whenever the weather gets cold.Tip in Total #32
White teeth isn’t only for girls these days - everybody should be striving for white teeth. Luckily, you don’t have to go to a dentist to brighten up your smile, you can just get some whitening products from the store and do it yourself.Tip in Total #33
Next time you’re in the barber’s chair, ask for a hot oil treatment. Your hair will be shiny and pleasant to touch when you’re done!Tip in Total #34
If your hair is starting to thin out on top and on the sides, use the appropriate products like Rogaine to maintain the hair that you do have.Tip in Total #35
Sometimes hair re-growth products just don’t cut it, and you lose your hair anyways. When this happens, hair transplants are your best option for restoring hair.Tip in Total #36
Few guys can pull off the shaggy, unkept hairstyle. Keeping this thought in mind, get your hair cut whenever it starts growing over your ears or turning into a mullet in the back.Tip in Total #37
While using conditioner might seem like a good alternative when you’re out of shampoo, it will actually make your hair look even greasier than not washing. So don’t ever substitute conditioner for shampoo.Tip in Total #38
Comb your hair! Even if you have short hair, it can look messy and unkept. Keep your hair from looking messy by running a comb through it after a shower.Tip in Total #39
Sometimes your hair sticks up all over the place; to tame the strays, use a little hair spray and pat them back down.Tip in Total #40
Choosing a shampoo that doesn’t leave a residue is essential. Shampoo residue clogs pores on the head, which can lead to scalp irritation or even acne.Tip in Total #41
While you’re picking the perfect shampoo, look for a product that removes DHT (dyhydotestosterone). DHT causes hair to fall out by restricting blood flow to hair follicles, and will eventually leave you bald.Tip in Total #42
Another important subject regarding shampoo is dandruff, or skin cells shedding on your scalp. If you’ve got a dandruff problem, you may have to switch to prescription strength shampoo.Tip in Total #43
Despite what shampoo commercials suggest, never shampoo more than once a day. Shampoo strips your hair of essential oils, so over-shampooing can cause your hair to be dry and damaged.Tip in Total #44
Even if you stick to shampooing once a day, it’s still a good idea to use conditioner. Conditioners moisturize, strengthen and repair your hair.Tip in Total #45
If you happen to run out of shaving cream, you can always use some peanut butter to shave. Just remember to hold the jelly!Tip in Total #46
If you’re completely bald on top, just shave your head. It will look classy, and ten times better than being bald with a few patches of hair does.Tip in Total #47
Don’t be afraid to change your hair style. Most guys go and get the same hair cut year after year. Ask your stylist for a new and more current style to look fresh and interesting.Tip in Total #48
If you have noticed your hair getting gray, use some hair dye to liven it up. A professional could easily do this for you if you’re afraid of messing something up.Tip in Total #49
Even those who aren’t going gray can benefit from hair dye since it can provide a sexy, new look. Do some research on hair dyes by looking at reviews, and choose one that will give you the desired look.Tip in Total #50
Use hair products. The kind you choose doesn’t normally matter as long as you’re using something like gel, pomade, or even moose.Tip in Total #51
Keep those hair care products off of your hairline! Leaving gel or mouse on your skin can lead to pimples.Tip in Total #52
Since the hands are the heart’s landscape, you need to take special care of them. No one wants dirty finger nails caressing their body, so make the trip to the nail salon and get a manicure at least once a month. It’s not like you have to get a full set of fake nails,…you’re just getting your nails polished so they look fresh and clean.Tip in Total #53
When trimming your nails, make sure that they are consistent lengths, and that there are no pointy edges on the sides.Tip in Total #54
Rough, callused hands are not pleasant to the touch or pleasing on the eye. To soften rough hands, soak them in warm water mixed with olive oil each day for 5-10 minutes.Tip in Total #55
Another tip for keeping your hands from being rough and callused is wearing gloves in the winter. This is especially the case on cold windy days!Tip in Total #56
Use lotion on your hands as frequently as possible to keep them soft and moisturized.Tip in Total #57
One thing many people may not realize about hands is that they can develop sun spots and other nasty imperfections through over-exposure to the sun. Keep your hands out of the sun just like the rest of your body.Tip in Total #58
There is nothing worse than cuddling with someone, and being attacked by their disgustingly long toenails. When you trim your toenails, do it when they are dry, use a large set of clippers, and don’t cut them so short that they’re painful!Tip in Total #59
Another way to keep your feet from coming between you and a partner is to get a pedicure. If you don’t want to spend the money, you should think about purchasing a pumas stone and use it in the shower. Your feet work hard all day, every day, and they need to be taken care of like the rest of your body.Tip in Total #60
Always make sure you wear clean socks. Smelly feet are one of the biggest turns offs, and this can easily be avoided.Tip in Total #61
If you’ve been afflicted with the dreaded athlete’s foot, dry your feet frequently and put anti-fungal cream in between your toes.Tip in Total #62
Most men have callused, rough heels because soft feet aren’t considered essential for men. But if you really want to have nice feet, you should soak your feet in warm water for 5-10 minutes, then use a file on them to reduce the roughness.Tip in Total #63
Just because back hair is hard to shave doesn’t mean you have a green light to let it go unchecked. Buy an extended shaver specifically for back hair to make the process easier.Tip in Total #64
Sunless tanning lotions aren’t only for female skin. Apply the lotion after you shower, and remember to wash your hands immediately after application.Tip in Total #65
An obvious tip is to shower every day. When showering, use soap and water on every nook and cranny. It’s amazing how many people out there think that a shower consists of standing under the water for five minutes.Tip in Total #66
Drink plenty of water because it will make your skin look healthier, and you younger.Tip in Total #67
Whether or not you choose to completely shave your pubic hair is a personal choice; however, you should at least trim your pubic hair.Tip in Total #68
While you’re in the barber shop, make sure they shave the back of your neck to prevent it from getting too hairy. Also, check the back of your neck in the mirror from time to time to ensure that it’s clean-shaven.Tip in Total #69
If you tend to sweat a lot, try trimming your armpit hair. The less hair there, the less bacteria, which will make you smell much better!Tip in Total #70
David Hasselhoff may have thought his chest hair was hot, but it’s definitely not. If you have what looks like a small animal on your chest, you should shave it off immediately.Tip in Total #71
Those who have trouble keeping their body hair under control might want to consider hair removal treatments. Laser, electrolysis and waxing are three common methods for taking care of the problem.Tip in Total #72
By exercising and eating healthy meals, you’ll gain more energy, and become a happier person all-around.Tip in Total #73
One essential shower product you should always have is body wash. Body wash tones, moisturizes and softens your skin, which are three things that soap doesn’t always do.Tip in Total #74
Never leave the house without first applying deodorant! Keep a stick in your car or locker at work if you tend to forget.Tip in Total #75
If you don’t feel like sunless tanning lotion is doing the job for you, perhaps you should visit the salon and jump in a tanning bed.Tip in Total #76
Don’t become a tanning addict. Tanning beds are great for getting a quick, streakless tan, but over-tanning can lead to wrinkly, leathery skin when you get older.Tip in Total #77
Just like your face, your body needs to be exfoliated once a week so that you don’t get body acne. Find an exfoliating body wash at any drug store, and make sure you actually use it!Tip in Total #78
Pay attention to the shoes you wear. You could have the most amazing outfit, but totally ruin it with dirty or mismatched sneakers.Tip in Total #79
Wear clothes that actually fit you. It’s not only stupid to walk around holding your pants up, but it looks trashy too.Tip in Total #80
Why do all of the work to keep good hygiene, then blow it by wearing dirty or poorly-pressed clothes? Wash your clothes on a regular basis and iron them if they’re wrinkly.Tip in Total #81
Dress in colors that are flattering to your skin tone. If you have fair skin, it’s safe to say you shouldn’t be dressing in all black unless you’re going for a gothic look.Tip in Total #82
Eye color can play a big role in what you choose to wear everyday. If you have blue eyes, you should try wearing blue and green more often to highlight one of your best features.Tip in Total #83
If you have pets that shed, keep a lint roller on hand so that your clothes don’t look like they are growing fur.Tip in Total #84
Don’t use undershirts as everyday outerwear. Undershirts are not to be worn alone because they instantly give off the wrong impression if worn in the wrong way.Tip in Total #85
Wear socks that match your pants: Black pants = black socks. Brown pants = brown socks.Tip in Total #86
Socks are relatively cheap and inexpensive. So why are people walking around with holes in their socks!? Case in point, only wear socks that are hole-free.Tip in Total #87
Never wear socks with sandals. This is a cardinal sin of fashion!Tip in Total #88
In warmer months, wear light colors in cotton fabrics because they absorb less heat, and will minimize your sweat stains.Tip in Total #89
Sometimes men put the perfect outfit together only to ruin it with the wrong winter coat. So it’s important to find at least one good coat that goes well with your clothes.Tip in Total #90
If you don’t own an iron, or just don’t like to iron, grab your clothes from the dryer as soon as they are done, and fold them right away. Wrinkles aren’t attractive!Tip in Total #91
A couple sprays of cologne will do wonders for your aroma. Make sure to spray cologne on your pulse points like the necks and wrists to make it last all day. Check how to properly apply cologne. Tip in Total #92
Just remembering to spray cologne on yourself isn’t enough; you also have to use good quality cologne. Avoid the cheap stuff and buy a high quality product that will keep you smelling great.Tip in Total #93
Don’t smoke. Smoking gives you wrinkles around your mouth, makes your fingernails yellow, and gives you cancer. Nothing else needs to be said.Tip in Total #94
Use products specifically for anti-aging. Whether you’re 22 or 52, it’s never too late to start using anti-aging products. Some of the best ones include Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Retinol (Vitamin A derivative) and green tea.Tip in Total #95
If you’re looking to stay youthful for years to come, sunscreen is essential. Make sure you wear a sunscreen of SPF 30 or better.Tip in Total #96
Some people see the cleanliness of your car as an extension of who you are. This is why it’s crucial that you keep trash picked up, and the car smelling good with air fresheners.Tip in Total #97
Some people get locked into using the same brand for every grooming product they buy. But while one brand may work great for shampooing, the same brand may not be adequate for shaving. Diversify!Tip in Total #98
Instead of keeping a wallet in your back pocket, put it in your front pocket! It seems like a lame idea, but it helps with the alignment in your back. Also, you are less likely to get mugged this way!Tip in Total #99
Body odor, gas, and bad breath are often the cause of one thing: what you eat. So go easy on the onions and skip the garlic next time you eat out.Tip in Total #100
Just because you’re not a princess doesn’t mean you have the right to slouch! Bad posture automatically gives people the impression that you’re insecure and uncomfortable with yourself. It also makes you look thinner, so remember stomach in, chest out, shoulders back, and head up.Tip in Total #101
Body language is the most natural form of confidence, and you want to have body language that exudes strength and boldness. To practice good body language, set your feet about seven inches apart, with one a little in front of the other.
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30 Beauty Tips for Teenage Girls

It’s easy for teenage girls to create looks that are natural and flawless; however, it’s just as easy to create looks that are cakey and overdone. After all, teens are battling acne, worrying about boys, and stressing out over big tests. With all of this being said, sometimes it’s tough for teenage girls to keep up with the latest beauty trends on top of everything else. So in an effort to make things a little bit easier, here are 30 beauty tips for teenage girls that are broken down into several different categories. But before we jump into this, let’s take a quick look at the underlying theme of true beauty – confidence.
While anybody can learn a few tricks with their makeup brush, not everybody knows how to carry themselves afterward. In short, confidence and self-esteem are also important traits in regards to beauty.
Confidence is what gets girls noticed, and self-esteem is what gives them confidence. All it takes is being willing to try new things and get out of your comfort zone. Everyone has insecurities, but accepting your imperfections is key to unlocking your true potential. Now onto the beauty tips!
Tip #1 (Tissue Test): One of the most important aspects of taking care of your skin involves knowing exactly what skin type you have. The five basic skin types are sensitive, normal, oily, combination and dry. When you're trying to diagnose your skin type, do a simple test in the morning with a tissue after waking up. This is the easiest way to tell which of the five basic skin types you have. To perform the test, just unfold the tissue, and lay it so that the tissue covers your face. Then press it onto your skin, and remove the tissue to see what it reveals. Use these descriptions to find your skin type in order to take proper care of yourself.
Tip #2 (Sensitive Skin): Your tissue will have little-to-no oil left over from your skin. Sensitive skin can become a challenge to treat since it often feels tight and dry with reddish-scaly areas. In addition to this, sensitive skin can itch and tingle with spotty breakouts. If your skin becomes inflamed or irritated easily, then you probably have sensitive skin.
Sensitive Skin Care Tips:Avoid facial exfoliants and cleansers with sand or peach pits to avoid worsening your red skin; instead, use cleansers made with castile soap because it is soothing and gentle on your skin. Do not use facial cleansers that contain large amounts of benzoyl peroxide, alpha-hydroxy-acid (AHA) and/or beta-hydroxy-acid (BHA) since these can irritate acne further. Unfortunately, it can be hard to find a facial cleanser that treats sensitive skin in drugstores because these are the most common ingredients in many cleansers and exfoliants on the market.
Tip #3 (Normal Skin): The tissue will have no oil left over from your face, and your skin will feel plump, glowy and elastic. Lucky for you, this skin type is the easiest to treat and manage because it continues to have healthy circulation and a clear complexion - even with little-to-no care involved. Those lucky enough to have the normal skin type will continue to have clear skin as they age.
Normal Skin Care Tips:The best thing to do if you have normal skin is to wash it every day - morning and night - with gentle soap so you don't irritate the balance that your skin already has. Use a toner if you like, and of course apply a moisturizer daily.
Tip #4 (Oily Skin): If your tissue has traces of oil from where your nose, forehead and cheeks were, then you likely have oily skin. Oily skin is a problem for a lot of girls since it causes skin to look shiny, coarse, thick, greasy, and often leads to uncontrollable breakouts.
Oily Skin Care Tips:To keep your skin looking young and supple, while also keeping it from wrinkling as you get older, use proper facial washes designed to treat oily skin. You won't have any trouble finding treatments for oily skin because there are a variety of products to choose from. But don't use the same soap you use on your body since it will dry your skin out, and leave you with unwanted pimples! Use an exfoliating scrub once or twice a week to combat breakouts.
Tip #5 (Combination Skin): If your tissue has oil on the areas reflecting your nose and forehead only, then your skin type is combination. You are amongst most women, who have a combination of dry and oily skin, and have to use different kinds of care for each zone of their face.
Combination Skin Care Tips:Your dry zones are typically your cheek and eye areas, and these won’t need much attention until the age of 30 or older. The other areas of your face are known as oil zones, and they require daily cleansing and weekly exfoliating with a product designed for oily skin.
Tip #6 (Dry Skin): Girls with dry skin will have a clear tissue, but also skin that feels dry, tight, and flaky once the tissue has been removed. Dry skin is problematic because it is known to age and develop wrinkles faster than oily and combination skin.
Dry Skin Care Tips:You can easily fight off wrinkles and aging by developing healthy skin care habits that involve plenty of moisturizers containing hypoallergenic ingredients. Use lukewarm water to cleanse with since hot water irritates skin. In the winter, these tips are especially important to keep in mind!
Makeup is used to make women appear older, sophisticated, trendy, and of course, it's used to hide pimples, scars, and red areas on the face. Finding the right makeup to use for your own special complexion is difficult because there are hundreds of different brands, colors, formulas, and prices to consider before making a purchase. There are a number of makeup items you can use during the application process including, but not limited to, primer, foundation, concealer, bronzer, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss.
Tip #7 (Choosing your Foundation): You can find foundation in a few different formulas including liquid, whipped, cream and powder. Liquid foundations typically come formulated specifically for every skin type; however, liquid foundation isn't always the best choice. Use your skin type as a guide to find the best foundation formula because if you're using the wrong foundation, your skin can look similar to a powdered doughnut, or it can even look like you're wearing a mask. In order to keep any of this from happening, learn how to find the right foundation for your skin type.
Tip #8 (Foundation for Dry Skin): If your skin is dry, using a hydrating powder, stick, or an oil-based liquid foundation will give a positive result. Sticks and liquids have both a moisturizing and creamy texture; the hydrating powders are specially designed to release moisture to the skin, while covering better than a normal pressed powder. If you choose to purchase hydrating powder, make sure the packaging says something similar to "compact makeup" or "foundation".
Tip #9 (Foundation for Oily Skin): Liquid or powder foundations that are labeled oil-free are ideal for oily skin. Mineral foundations will also work well on oily skin since these products absorb excess oil to give your face a smooth, matte finish. These foundations are good for covering up acne, or when used as a concealer for dark under-eye areas. For skin that has frequent breakouts, use foundation containing salicylic acid to dry the oil-producing glands that create pimples.
Tip #10 (Foundation for Combination Skin): Combination skin is best covered up with powder, whipped or cream foundation. You will get strong coverage with any of these products, as well as the added bonus of intense moisturizing benefits. Plus powder, whipped, and cream foundations are all easy to apply, and are better choices than that of a liquid or stick foundation.
Tip #11 (Foundation for Sensitive Skin): If you have eczema, rosacea, or you’re highly prone to acne breakouts, then you have sensitive skin. Assuming you have skin that is tight, scaly, red and irritated, then try using a tinted moisturizer. Tinted moisturizers will provide you with light coverage, while also giving your skin plenty of moisture. Another option is to use mineral makeup; however, it’s possible for the mineral makeup to dry your skin, so in combination with this foundation, you should use a toning spray to set and lock in moisture throughout the day.
Tip #12 (Foundation for Normal Skin): For skin that has minimal problems with oil, acne or dryness, you'll be able to use almost any formula of foundation.
The next time you're at the mall, find a makeup counter and try some of their different shades. When doing this, keep in mind that the skin on the back of your hand is the closest match to the skin on your face; so it's the best place to find a match if you're not wanting to apply lots of different shades on your face. Using natural light can prove to be difficult in a store or mall, but it will reflect more accurately on how the foundation really looks on your skin. It’s also important for you to have a clean face when you're experimenting with different foundation shades.
Tip #13 (Fair Skin Tones): Skin that is slightly translucent (having visible veins), pale, or sunburns easily is considered to be fair. The ideal shades of foundation for fair skin tones are ones that have pink or beige undertones.
Tip #14 (Olive Skin Tones): Foundations with beige, green, or yellow tones work well with Asian and olive skin tones. Powders that have peachy or pink bases warm up skin that looks unhealthy or pale.
Tip #15 (Medium Skin Tones): Neutral, beige, gold, and earth tone shades of foundation wear well on Latina or medium skin tones. If you're using powder, the powder should still be in the neutral earth tones; you might also consider using translucent powder to set the foundation.
Tip #16 (Dark Skin Tones): Mango or banana-toned powder will warm up darker skin tones. It’s worth mentioning that when cool colors are used on darker tones, the skin can turn out ashy so avoid these. Also keep in mind that it might be necessary to use two different shades of foundation if you have two different skin tones. Luckily, some foundations are available with two colors for easy blending.
Tip #17: If you have problems with dark circles under your eyes, concealer needs to be applied before foundation. If you are looking to cover up acne, the concealer can be applied after the foundation.
Tip #18: There are makeup brushes specifically made for the application of concealer; however, they aren't a must-have item. All you need for application is a q-tip, or even a finger will work fine when applying the concealer to acne. It’s important to be precise about applying the concealer directly onto the pimple, and not just the general area where you have a lot of breakouts.
Tip #19: It’s important to know there are concealers that offer medication to treat acne, as well as cover the pimples up. It is also worth mentioning the idea of using foundation that offers strong coverage so you won’t leave your skin looking cakey.
Everyone is born with bushes above their eyes, but it can be easy to make the bushes look like groomed shrubs. When it comes to your eyebrows, you have options, but don't go overboard with waxing, plucking or trimming. The worst thing you could do for your eyebrows is to kill the hair follicles by over-plucking them. The easy way to get perfect eyebrows is to use a brow kit that provides you with stencils, eyebrow powder and a brow brush; however, not everyone can afford to purchase a kit. Here are some tips on how to achieve perfect eyebrows.
A few things to keep in mind when maintaining your own eyebrows is to pluck one hair at a time, get as close to the root as possible, and pull in the direction of hair growth. If you have thin eyebrows, you can use eyebrow powder and stencils to fill them in; if you don't have eyebrow powder, experiment with your eye shadow to find a color that matches as closely as possible.
Use an eye shadow padded wand to make small strokes to fill in your brow. There are also eyebrow pencils that are perfect for filling in thin brows. Apply the color with small strokes beginning at the inner corner, then working towards the end. Use a brow brush to comb excess color off your brow, and then use a very small amount of brow gel or regular hair gel to finish off the look. If it’s the first time you're plucking your eyebrows, beware of the redness that will occur. Assuming you plan on leaving the house, be prepared to explain why your brows are red. Also, you can use a cold wash cloth to hold onto your brows to help close the follicle.
Tip #20: Take a straight object like a pen, eyeliner pencil or popsicle stick, and hold it vertically along the side of your nose. The object you've held up should reach your eyebrow to indicate where your brow should start.
Tip #21: Use the straight object again, only this time, line the object with the center of your eye (the pupil) because this is how you indicate where the arch of your brow should be.
Tip #22: To find out where your eyebrow should naturally end, hold the straight object up so that it makes a line from the corner of your nose to the corner of your eye. The object should reach your eyebrow to indicate where it should naturally end.
Tip #23: If your eyes are close-set, your brow will look better if it starts a little in from the corner of your eye. Your arch looks good if it is slightly outside of the center of your eye. Your brow looks best if it ends just a little past the outer corner of your eye.
Tip #24: For girls with eyes that are well spaced (an eye's width apart), start your eyebrow directly above the inside corner of your eye. Your arch looks best directly above the center of your eye's pupil. The brow looks good if it ends above the outer corner of your eye.
Tip #25: Some girls have eyes that are more than an eye's width apart, which is completely normal. Begin your eyebrow closer to the nose with your arch a little in front of the center of your eye. Your eyebrow looks best if it ends slightly above the outer corner of your eye.
It may seem weird to hear that people judge others by their hands, but it is true. When you meet someone for the first time and shake their hand, it's the first thing that they notice about you. This being the case, having dirty hands isn't cool, so find out ways to keep your nails looking fresh and clean.
Tip #26: Never bite your fingernails! The reason why is because prolonged fingernail biting causes the nail to become misshaped and curved.
Tip #27: Use a nail file properly, and always go in the same direction when you are filing your nails. By doing a sawing motion on your nails, you're creating small tears in your nails that will eventually make them break off.
Tip #27: Push your cuticle up toward your skin daily to keep your nails from looking shaggy. This is easiest when your fingers are wet, thus making the ideal time right after you get out of the shower.
Tip #28: Keep your nails at a safe length that you're comfortable with by using nail clippers. When you're trimming your nails, don't try to clip the nail in one cut. Use multiple cuts until the nail is trimmed so that you get a nice shape.
Not every day is a good hair day, but there are ways to make most days good, while also skipping out on the hot blow dryers, curling irons and flat irons (damaging to the hair). There are also easy hairdos that only take 5 minutes or less, but look like they took an hour to do like braids, buns and half-up-dos. One more thing worth adding is that there ways to make your hair smell good without using expensive hair products and shampoo. Now that we’ve covered all of this, here are a couple of good hair tips.
Tip #29: Create a chic pony tail by using an anti-frizz cream in curly hair, or curling cream in straight hair. Then tease your hair at the crown, and follow up by pulling the hair into a low ponytail. Leave a section of hair out on one side that is about a half inch wide, and use a clear ponytail holder to secure the ponytail. Use the hair you left out to wrap around the ponytail, and then hold the hair in place with a bobby pin.
Tip #30: Spray your favorite body spray or perfume onto your bristle brush, and comb your hair immediately afterward to make your hair smell fresh all day. If you have matching lotion, rub a little in your hands, and then put the excess lotion on your strands. This takes care of static, and gives your hair a delightful scent.
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Friday, November 4, 2011
Regrow ur hair
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Fenugreek or Venthayam or Methi |
Know how can Fenugreek seeds be used to fight hair fall.
- Take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak in water, leave it overnight.
- Morning filter the water and drink it as it helps in reducing hair fall
- Take the soaked seeds and put it in the mixer and make a paste
- Now you can apply the paste on your scalp leave it for 5minutes and then wash your hair
- Now this paste can replace your and whats more there is no need of a conditioner too.
- You can boil the seeds and then soak the seeds in coconut oil keep it over night
- Filter the oil and apply it in your scalp do it thrice a week and you will feel the result
- By applying this oil regularly your hair will become more shiny than before
- Make a mask of the paste and apply it in your hair and keep it for 15 minutes it helps a lot in stimulating hair growth in initial stages of baldness